Welcome to Anchored Hope

Service Times & Location

We want to help make your first experience at Anchored Hope a great one! We meet on Sunday mornings at 9 AM at 211 Boone Street in Troy, MO.

What to Expect

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking.

You’ll be greeted with warm smiles and happy faces by people just like you who understand how hard it is to walk into a new church for the first time. We’d love it if you would stop by our Anchor Brew Cafe for free Starbucks, treats, and water before service.

There is no dress code at Anchored Hope. You’ll find people in all kinds of casual wear. We’re more concerned about your needs than with what you are wearing.

Our music is much like what you’d hear on contemporary Christian radio. At all of our worship services you’ll find the freedom to be yourself as we worship.

All of our pastors try to communicate what the Bible says in a relevant, practical way that challenges and helps every person who hears the message to live out God’s plan for their life. Our goal each Sunday is for you to encounter God and hear something that will make a difference in your life that week.

Yes…a safe and fun environment!

The most fun your kids will ever have learning

  • God loves me.
  • I can trust God no matter what.
  • I should love others like Jesus loves me.

Let Us Know You’re Coming

Ready to check out Anchored Hope in person? We can’t wait to meet you! Simply fill out the form below and we’ll make sure to give you the VIP treatment upon your first visit.

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